More comfortable, secure within themselves
Newer level of comfort, security, acheivement
Friendly, somewhat objectively detached from mom
More willing for adult to live own lives
Nicer in class, more cooperative, not as lazy and aggressive as last year
Some 12's branching out to larger group of friends
Tastes, interests changing
Most 12's express definite interest in opposite sex
Interested as much in friend's responses as own
Girls begin menstruation
Girls/boys want sex information set straight
More roudy ill behaved in group situations
Peers becoming more influential
Reasonably good sense of humor
Becoming quite comfortable with personality
Less intense emotionally or more even keel
80% of girls, 68% of boys say some friends smoke
Period of most rapid adolescent growth in height/weight
Boys becoming more interested in sex
Fond of attending school gatherings
More cooperative at bedtime
Much more aware of appearance
Needs bulletin board to "plaster" with pictures, posters, etc.
May not volunteer work, but better about helping
Concerned with similarity to others