Saturday, October 11, 2008

Epiphany (feeling), the sudden realization or comprehension of the essence or meaning of something

We went to the Deseret Industries (DI) today -Goodwill if you live in Texas. Kenya was looking around and said to Theresa "Mommie there's a lot of black people here" Theresa smiled and let her know they weren't black people they were hispanics. We didn't find anything that we wanted or needed but it was worth it to see what we weren't missing.

1 comment:

Carla said...

HA HA!! Kids say the funniest things. We go there to get Halloween costumes and dresses for Callie's birthmom.

Callie saw a poster at Target yesterday and said, "Mom...that lady looks just like me!!". (I didn't think she did, but it made Callie happy!)